First golang project

Import Function form package I thought it was going to be similar to many languages and I will just have to just do something like: import "mypakckage/Myfuction" Well… no, first it will depend on your GOPATH, which is handled differently depending of your go version. Secondly, In golang exported function must be in Uppercase, otherwise it won’t compile! First module So I chose the easiest that I could find first to structure project by creating a module....

April 9, 2021 · 1 min · Nolan

First few lines in golang

Intro I’ve been casually looking into the go language without trying it much. Now it’s time to write so go code :) Golang Looping First discovery there is no while keyword in golang, I was pretty surprised I thought I was missing something. I then look in the spec and there is only for. I like that they only have limited number of keywords. i := 0 for i < 10 { fmt....

April 5, 2021 · 2 min · Nolan

Check broken links in Markdown

Broken links It’s always frustrating to follow a dead link, so I would like to avoid that on my blog. I’ve found couple of projects that could help: These projects looks to be a good fit, however I would have adapt the CI part. If not I would be checking my current online version and not the latest changes, one idea could be to spin up a local web server and test again it....

April 4, 2021 · 1 min · Nolan

Pandas meets SQL

Pysql I was exploring data from a CSV, I used Jupyter notebook as I’m a bit familiar with it and it’s a great fit for this kind of use case. It’s very easy to load data in a dataframe, however I don’t use pandas often enough and cannot remember all the functions. I just wanted to write SQL queries from the dataframe itself. import matplotlib.pyplot import pandas as pd from pandasql import sqldf df = pd....

March 3, 2021 · 1 min · Nolan