Nothing new

Variadic arguments are present in many many languages.

In golang the syntax is like so:

package main

import "fmt"

func addNubers(nums int {
	s := 0
	for _, n := range nums {
		s += n
	return s

func main() {
	res := addNubers(1,2,3)

In python:

def func(a, *t):
	for e in t:


Usage in go

In go variadic functions are used to make configuration easily extendable, without changing existing interface.
By doing so we can easily add options without breaking existing code.

package main

import "fmt"

type MyServer struct {
	addr   string
	tls    bool
	port   string
	logger string

type Option func(s *MyServer)

func WithAddr(addr string) Option {
	return func(s *MyServer) {
		s.addr = addr

func withPort(port string) Option {
	return func(s *MyServer) {
		s.port = port

func NewMyServer(opts ...Option) *MyServer {
	server := MyServer{}
	for _, f := range opts {
	return &server

func main() {
	s := NewMyServer(withPort("1234"), WithAddr(""))
	fmt.Println(s.port, s.addr)